Fredericksburg Cooperative Preschool
since 1977
​​2025-2026 Enrollment
Open Now!​​​​​​​
Currently accepting all applications!
For further information, navigate to our enrollment page to apply today.
If you have any questions, please reach out to
Learning Through Play
Three-year-old class
Tuesdays and Thursdays
$180 per month plus
$50 application fee
($40 for current members/alumni)
One time $175 supply fee
Four-year-old class
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
$225 per month plus
$50 application fee
($40 for current members/alumni)
One-time $175 supply fee
Community Engagement
In a Cooperative preschool environment, children are able to go on field trips to places like the pumpkin patch, post office, fire station and local parks. Parents are responsible for transportation and field trips are typically once-a-month. They support the monthly themes and reinforce what students are learning in the classroom. In addition, students receive special visits from important members of the community like police officers, nurses, dental hygienists, doctors, musicians and pharmacists.